Drama Courses
This is an intro/intermediate level drama class for all levels of experience. We explore improv, theatre history, acting, design, and playwriting in this course. With projects like Radio Drama, where students write and perform their own radio plays, and Families, where students engage in a weekly long-form improvisation exercise, this course is designed for all students to engage with their fellow classmates and become more comfortable performing for an audience.
Pre-requisites: none.
Cinema and Society
This is a course designed for all students who love film. Students will explore the history of cinema, learn the basics of film vocabulary, and apply this knowledge to rich analysis of modern films. This class focuses specifically on connecting the themes of the films we study with the world we live in and to critically examine the business of film and its role in the advancement, or the obstruction, of social reform. In addition to watching and analyzing films, students are responsible for writing several papers
and creating two film projects for this course.
Pre-requisites: none.
Musical Theatre
This is an advanced level performance class designed for students who have taken Drama already or who have had experience performing in theatrical productions. Students will study vocal technique with Rick Reynolds and investigate how movement and acting choices inform musical theatre performance with Ms. Wozniak. In the Fall, the students study musical theatre history, focusing on a specific element of the genre that they explore in their group performance project. In the spring, student directors will cast, rehearse, and present mini-musicals using the students as their performers. If students are interested in directing one of the mini-musicals, they are strongly encouraged to take Advanced Drama first.
Pre-requisites: Approval from Ms. Wozniak.
Advanced Drama, CTE
This is an advanced level drama class designed for students who have taken Drama already or who have had experience performing in theatrical productions. Students will be encouraged to focus on a specific element to study: acting, directing, or design. Course work is project-based and informed by student interest, allowing students to study, stage management, publicity, dramaturgy, or any other element of professional theatre. If students would like to direct a mini-musical, assistant direct or design costumes, sets, lights, or props for our mainstage productions, they are strongly encouraged to complete this course first.
Pre-requisites: 1 year of Drama or approval from Ms. Wozniak.

Drama students create masks for their unit on Greek Theatre.

Cinema and Society students watch The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari at the end of the unit on German Expressionism.

Musical Theatre students rehearse with vocal coach, Rick Reynolds.